Foro Beauty and the Beast
Notas para Compartir

29/09/2013 23:43
Con vuestro permiso, abro este post para compartir cosas. Algunas habeis comentado por ejemplo, que no teneis twitter, asi que aqui iremos poniendo lo que creemos que debe compartirse y guardarse para el disfrute de todas.
Cumple de Austin Basis. Le preparé a Austin una tarjeta de regalo para su cumple con estas dos fotos:

Y la tarjeta quedó asi:

A Austin Basis le gustó la tarjeta de cumple y le hizo retuit, la marcó como favorito en twitter y además me dió las gracias. ¡Que majo es Austin con las fans!
Cumple de Austin Basis. Le preparé a Austin una tarjeta de regalo para su cumple con estas dos fotos:

Y la tarjeta quedó asi:

A Austin Basis le gustó la tarjeta de cumple y le hizo retuit, la marcó como favorito en twitter y además me dió las gracias. ¡Que majo es Austin con las fans!


25/10/2013 01:25
Chicas, este es un regalo para todas @Laschicasluz ;)))
En especial para Ikena, quien defendió la correcta traducción de este momento tan mágico, revelador e íntimo entre JAY y KK..
Este es un twit de una Beastie USA hace 56 min. Disfruten!!
""That interview where Jay bumped his own chin as a joke and Kristin was like "it's bruised, careful!" and I just about died.""
OMG!!! We died too!!!! ;))))
En especial para Ikena, quien defendió la correcta traducción de este momento tan mágico, revelador e íntimo entre JAY y KK..
Este es un twit de una Beastie USA hace 56 min. Disfruten!!
""That interview where Jay bumped his own chin as a joke and Kristin was like "it's bruised, careful!" and I just about died.""
OMG!!! We died too!!!! ;))))

25/10/2013 02:15
Merche, me caigo de sueño sobre el ordenador y después de haberle preguntado a un montón de Beasties me dicen que ellas se enfocan sólo en las principales categorías. No sé qué pensar!! De dónde viene tu información?
Otra cosa, he chateado un poquito con Bryan Dechart, la nueva incorporación en el equipo de BATB, es muy majo el chico!! y estará el lunes twiteando con las Beasties mientras se emite el epi, 2x04 Hothead. way!!!
Por último, he visto esta noche muchísimos twits "rogándole" a Jay que se deje sentir para salvar BATB. Yo creo que JAY no valora en su real dimensión cuán importante es su interacción con la fandom.
Miren el twit de una de las líderes de las Beasties:
Time to sleep but, @JayRyan you should know we need #MoreJayOnTwitter to save #BATB" ~ IT'S TRUE #LoveYouJay
Jay tiene que despertar, no entiendo por qué se hace de rogar cuando el resto de actores están siempre con l@s fans.
O este chico tiene que madurar, o es que le aterra el contacto con l@s fans. Pero su influencia es decisiva en estos momentos tan sensibles. Espero que lo haga, KK que lo espabile!! ;))
Otra cosa, he chateado un poquito con Bryan Dechart, la nueva incorporación en el equipo de BATB, es muy majo el chico!! y estará el lunes twiteando con las Beasties mientras se emite el epi, 2x04 Hothead. way!!!
Por último, he visto esta noche muchísimos twits "rogándole" a Jay que se deje sentir para salvar BATB. Yo creo que JAY no valora en su real dimensión cuán importante es su interacción con la fandom.
Miren el twit de una de las líderes de las Beasties:
Time to sleep but, @JayRyan you should know we need #MoreJayOnTwitter to save #BATB" ~ IT'S TRUE #LoveYouJay
Jay tiene que despertar, no entiendo por qué se hace de rogar cuando el resto de actores están siempre con l@s fans.
O este chico tiene que madurar, o es que le aterra el contacto con l@s fans. Pero su influencia es decisiva en estos momentos tan sensibles. Espero que lo haga, KK que lo espabile!! ;))

25/10/2013 03:01
Chicas, encontré este vídeo de una Beastie y lo comparto, ya me dirán,
Chicas, encontré este vídeo de una Beastie y lo comparto, ya me dirán,

25/10/2013 08:16
La ví ayer en facebook ... deje mi pregunta si había que votar todas las categorias tv, cine y musica y ellas dicen que sí ... que sino no te sale al final voto registrado puede seguir votando ... y es verdad que como nosotros lo hacemos no sale ... lo que pasa que de esta forma te eternizas, pero ante la duda yo lo voy hacer así.
Respecto a lo de Jay ... esta claro que en ese aspecto poco sabe lo que es ser actor ... ya que una de las parte conlleva estar en contacto con el público ... sino que se dedique a otra cosa ... pero luego cuando presento la serie esta temporada CW no tuvo ningún problema en firmar autografos y estar con los chicos/as ... no sé a lo mejor no esta muy puesto en redes sociales como otros ... pero si que es verdad que lo poco que yo manejo tt. todo el mundo dice lo mismo respecto a él ... pues tendrá que espavilar ... o sino lo lleva claro ... en esta vida y más en su mundo no lo es todo tener un cuerpo Danone ... hay otras cosas ...
Que aprenda de su compañera... el mismo dijo que le sorprendio Kristin ... siendo famosa y lo normal que era ... y tenía los pies en la tierra ....
Esto es lo que dicen en facebook:
Chicas para que los votos cuenten hay que votar en todas las categorías que son cine, tv y música, una vez que has votado en todo te confirma que tus votos son válidos y q puedes volver a votar las veces que quieras, de la otra forma no se si los votos seran válidos..
El video fenómenal ... a mí es que Cat me encanta ... V. también pero ahora estoy un poco mosqueada, después de leer tu comentario y ver lo poco que se esfuerza en empujar la serie ... de todas formas fijate también que cuando pone en su tt alguna noticia o rtt un mensaje ... la mayor parte de las veces son noticias sólo suyas ... poca veces del grupo, incluso cuando fue a empezar la segunda temporada puso una foto sólo suya diciendo que empezaba la 2ª temporada y luego pidió perdón a sus compañeros por no haberlos nombrados ... es fuerte ... seguro que le dijeron algo.
Respecto a lo de Jay ... esta claro que en ese aspecto poco sabe lo que es ser actor ... ya que una de las parte conlleva estar en contacto con el público ... sino que se dedique a otra cosa ... pero luego cuando presento la serie esta temporada CW no tuvo ningún problema en firmar autografos y estar con los chicos/as ... no sé a lo mejor no esta muy puesto en redes sociales como otros ... pero si que es verdad que lo poco que yo manejo tt. todo el mundo dice lo mismo respecto a él ... pues tendrá que espavilar ... o sino lo lleva claro ... en esta vida y más en su mundo no lo es todo tener un cuerpo Danone ... hay otras cosas ...
Que aprenda de su compañera... el mismo dijo que le sorprendio Kristin ... siendo famosa y lo normal que era ... y tenía los pies en la tierra ....
Esto es lo que dicen en facebook:
Chicas para que los votos cuenten hay que votar en todas las categorías que son cine, tv y música, una vez que has votado en todo te confirma que tus votos son válidos y q puedes volver a votar las veces que quieras, de la otra forma no se si los votos seran válidos..
El video fenómenal ... a mí es que Cat me encanta ... V. también pero ahora estoy un poco mosqueada, después de leer tu comentario y ver lo poco que se esfuerza en empujar la serie ... de todas formas fijate también que cuando pone en su tt alguna noticia o rtt un mensaje ... la mayor parte de las veces son noticias sólo suyas ... poca veces del grupo, incluso cuando fue a empezar la segunda temporada puso una foto sólo suya diciendo que empezaba la 2ª temporada y luego pidió perdón a sus compañeros por no haberlos nombrados ... es fuerte ... seguro que le dijeron algo.

25/10/2013 10:00
Bueno, bueno a ver si al final va a resultar que nuestro V es un poco antipático…
Ya puede ser, jeje, la gente lo identifica con su personaje, pero, su carácter y modo de ser puede ser muy otro.
Tal vez por eso KK se lo piensa. Tal vez un poco "inmaduro" en algunas cosas. Ya lo dice, es un niño ( ya tiene a su mama-novia que lo debe de tratar así, para "atralo corto") jejeje
¡que mala me estoy volviendo chicas!!!... "pero piensa mal y...acertaras"
No daba esa impresión al principio, pero es cierto que, en estos últimos momentos debe estar muy presionado por lo que ya todas hemos dicho: ésta es su “aventura americana” , su oportunidad, y está en la serie menos vista de USA con todas las papeletas para volverse con su “extraña familia” a comer kiwis el resto de su vida…
Aún así yo creo que mejorará. Dió las gracias en un minivideo por los 300.000 “me gusta “de la pagina de fans en Facebook, por algo se empieza. Igual es que es muy tímido…
En fin, yo creo que lo está haciendo muy bien como actor, y vuelvo a decir que es la cadena la que no está invirtiendo calidad en la serie. No tiene excelentes momentos- diálogos- o no tan buenos como KK, pero lleva muy bien – a mi entender- este personaje que es difícil.
A mi me gusta cuando un actor, sin decir nada, llena la pantalla, y este niño, hay muchos momentos de la serie que la llena sin palabras. Eso es difícil. Ahora es una especie de “robot humanizado” a quién su jefe ordena y manda. Tan solo Cat es la que “toca” su lado humano, un lado que no reconoce, ni recuerda, ni sabe gestionar… por eso ella “lo descoloca” tanto, tanto que la golpea porque se siente, como explicaba a JT, agredido, acorralado.. ( conste que no disculpo el golpe, sigo pensando que fue otra metedura de pata de los escritores, deberían haber buscado otro punto de inflexión para Cat) pero es la explicación que le doy.
Bueno, repito, me da mucha rabia, hay tanto potencial para sacar cosas superbuenas de esta serie, aparte del romance…
También creo, y espero, que esto sea trampolín para más series. KK es un actriz de series de televisión se mueve en ese mundo en Vancouver y sabe que si no es ésta, otra será. Pero JR se vuelve “de vacío” a su casa…es triste. Bueno de vacío no, con su “pequeña” baby canadiense jejejee
Ya puede ser, jeje, la gente lo identifica con su personaje, pero, su carácter y modo de ser puede ser muy otro.
Tal vez por eso KK se lo piensa. Tal vez un poco "inmaduro" en algunas cosas. Ya lo dice, es un niño ( ya tiene a su mama-novia que lo debe de tratar así, para "atralo corto") jejeje
¡que mala me estoy volviendo chicas!!!... "pero piensa mal y...acertaras"
No daba esa impresión al principio, pero es cierto que, en estos últimos momentos debe estar muy presionado por lo que ya todas hemos dicho: ésta es su “aventura americana” , su oportunidad, y está en la serie menos vista de USA con todas las papeletas para volverse con su “extraña familia” a comer kiwis el resto de su vida…
Aún así yo creo que mejorará. Dió las gracias en un minivideo por los 300.000 “me gusta “de la pagina de fans en Facebook, por algo se empieza. Igual es que es muy tímido…
En fin, yo creo que lo está haciendo muy bien como actor, y vuelvo a decir que es la cadena la que no está invirtiendo calidad en la serie. No tiene excelentes momentos- diálogos- o no tan buenos como KK, pero lleva muy bien – a mi entender- este personaje que es difícil.
A mi me gusta cuando un actor, sin decir nada, llena la pantalla, y este niño, hay muchos momentos de la serie que la llena sin palabras. Eso es difícil. Ahora es una especie de “robot humanizado” a quién su jefe ordena y manda. Tan solo Cat es la que “toca” su lado humano, un lado que no reconoce, ni recuerda, ni sabe gestionar… por eso ella “lo descoloca” tanto, tanto que la golpea porque se siente, como explicaba a JT, agredido, acorralado.. ( conste que no disculpo el golpe, sigo pensando que fue otra metedura de pata de los escritores, deberían haber buscado otro punto de inflexión para Cat) pero es la explicación que le doy.
Bueno, repito, me da mucha rabia, hay tanto potencial para sacar cosas superbuenas de esta serie, aparte del romance…
También creo, y espero, que esto sea trampolín para más series. KK es un actriz de series de televisión se mueve en ese mundo en Vancouver y sabe que si no es ésta, otra será. Pero JR se vuelve “de vacío” a su casa…es triste. Bueno de vacío no, con su “pequeña” baby canadiense jejejee

25/10/2013 10:30
Si, yo creo que es más inmadurez o timidez que otra cosa, pero debe crecer ya!! Son 32 años, es un Hombre!!. Mucho sospecho que él ha llegado, en el orden personal, a la situación que tiene actualmente, por su inmadurez, o por su ingenuidad. Es muy "rara" su situación familiar, sin pies ni cabeza, muy peculiar. Galathea hace poco me lo recordaba cuando hice el comentario , "Jay es el niño adoptado por esta particular familia, que hace las veces de amante de la matriarca. Es muy fuerte, pero esa es su realidad, y ya hemos visto a casi todos los miembros del clan. La verdad es que KK es un verdadero Sol para Jay, no ya por ser una mujer abrumadamente bella, sino por ser quién es, tan centrada, tan normal, tan objetiva, trabajadora incansable, una chica independiente, a Jay le hacía falta alguien así de fuerte que lo sacara de su estado inmaduro e infantil y le amueblara esa cabecita, está claro que si salen juntos, es Jay el ganador!!! Se llevará una joya!! vamos a ver si espabila porque se lo están pidiendo a gritos en tt, lo que me llamó mucho la atención ayer mismo.

25/10/2013 10:47
Lover no hay mayor sordo que el que no quiere oir ... él se lo pierde ... no te parece

25/10/2013 11:23
Pos si!!! Pero en el fondo creo que es buen niño, lo que pasa es que esta revolución de fans lo supera, literalmente. Tiene que crecer y madurar en su profesión!!! Y eso redundará en su vida personal, enriqueciéndola, y tomándola con riendas propias, a él hasta ahora lo han cabalgado, es hora ya de espolear el caballo por sí mismo, y ser el director de sus propios actos. Como bien dijiste, él es actor, y esta es su carrera profesional, él tiene que encararla tal cual es, y más ahora que se lo ruegan para salvar su trabajo!! Me daré un paseo por tt para ver si se ha animado.

25/10/2013 11:26
Antes les quiero dejar esta increíble carta elaborada por una Beastie que se llama Janeen Hayes.
Es una fanfiction donde V le escribe a Cat después que esta cierra la ventana. Siento mucho dejárselas en inglés, pero les digo, no tiene desperdicio. Para mayores de 18 años. Awwwwww!!!!! ;)))
Dear Catherine
I needed to talk to you tonight after the whole Sebastian thing, but you shut the window before I could tell you everything I needed to. I understand why you did, but if you knew some of the things I really want to tell you, you would probably open the window and let me in. To explain!
I can hear your heart breaking. I can feel your sadness deep into my soul. I know you are wishing me away from the fire escape but I don't want to leave you when I know the pain you are in is partly because of me and how I’ve done wrong by you in the past few days. But I need you to know I can’t explain what is happening to me, to you, to us, because, well, because I don’t understand it myself.
I have someone who contacts me – I can’t tell you who it is, and I can’t tell you why, but this person seems to be able to control me. I don’t know how he does it. He sends me on missions, that I can’t tell you about and I become single minded, focussed only on the objective of that mission. If I see you when I am in the middle of it, my body and my heart knows that it wants to be with you, but my head doesn’t understand why and it’s my head that rules everything.
I don’t know why I am telling you this, but, I actually have more control over my Beast now. I can turn him on and off at will. But I can’t control him when I am pushed or questioned about what I do. I have been able to warn you before and tell you to stop asking questions. When you stop asking questions, I gain control again. If you keep pushing, he rises again and I have no control over him. The only time I don’t seem to have control is when I am questioned. It’s like I am programmed to react to certain phrases or questions. I can’t control the Beast when I am questioned about what I do and who I work for after a point. I just don’t know what that point is. Maybe, you can help me to understand it, maybe if you work with me, if we work together, we can find the patterns that are in front of us, if we bother to look for them.
I know you said you were trying to help me with Sebastian, but at the time, I didn’t know that. I’ve said to you now, on the fire escape, that I know you now, I can trust you now, and I know whatever actions you are taking, you’re taking them to keep me safe and to find out what has happened to me.
I did have those flash backs. I did see the first time I saved you in the woods, with your glazed eyes trying to focus on me. And the time I saved you from the train while you were working on the case regarding the woman in the hotel that I gave CPR too. Catherine, I remembered you. These feelings I get with the flash backs are so raw and real, they can’t be just my imagination. I can see that now.
Don’t you understand how much it is killing me? Knowing that I know you but not being able to remember you. Knowing there have been many nights when I have held you in my arms, cherished you, been buried deep inside you. To not remember that almost kills me! The only memories I have of you are from the other night. And they are still so fresh if I close my eyes I can relive it. The smoothness of your skin, the taste of your honey nectar, the smell of shampoo in your hair mixed with the musk of your skin. I remember from that night what it feels like be so deep inside you that I am almost touching your soul! I remember that night, but I want to remember every night, every morning, and each single moment in between that I have held you in my arms.
I want to remember the feel of your satin soft hair sliding through my fingers and feel your soft, kiss swollen lips touching mine again as if starved for the taste of me. I want to remember all the times you have shattered in orgasm at my fingers or from my thrusts in and out of you as I rush toward my own release. I want to remember all the times I have called out your name and I want to feel the spiralling sensation through my body when I am touched by the softness of your hands or when you take me in your mouth like a lollipop and suck on me until I burst. I want to feel your throat constricted around me when you drink me. I want to sink into the depths of you and never come up for air again.
This want, this need, can’t be from the one night I remember, it has to be from the many nights that have been stolen from me. I can’t believe for a minute that I would have chosen to forget you. After only having “known” you for a few weeks and having spent that one night together at least I know that much. You are not willingly forgettable. I want to remember. I want to be the only man that ever gets to hold you again. But am I a man? That man, your, man?
Catherine, I want you to understand that I am not lying to you by choice. I don’t know why I can’t tell you, I only know that I can’t. I don’t know why I am the way that I am, I only know that I am.
As much as it breaks me, I will leave your fire escape and I will give you your space as you asked, because I feel the only thing I ever want for you is your happiness. If being away from me gives you that happiness, I will learn to live with that feeling, or maybe I can ask to have it removed from my memory, not….. not because I want to forget you, never that, it would be so that I don’t have to remember that I’ve hurt you.
Catherine, as I do walk away and give you your space for tonight, I will be watching over you, I will be shadowing you and making sure there is no danger to you. I will be close if you need someone to rescue you. For some reason that I can’t explain, I think I have done this before.
Es una fanfiction donde V le escribe a Cat después que esta cierra la ventana. Siento mucho dejárselas en inglés, pero les digo, no tiene desperdicio. Para mayores de 18 años. Awwwwww!!!!! ;)))
Dear Catherine
I needed to talk to you tonight after the whole Sebastian thing, but you shut the window before I could tell you everything I needed to. I understand why you did, but if you knew some of the things I really want to tell you, you would probably open the window and let me in. To explain!
I can hear your heart breaking. I can feel your sadness deep into my soul. I know you are wishing me away from the fire escape but I don't want to leave you when I know the pain you are in is partly because of me and how I’ve done wrong by you in the past few days. But I need you to know I can’t explain what is happening to me, to you, to us, because, well, because I don’t understand it myself.
I have someone who contacts me – I can’t tell you who it is, and I can’t tell you why, but this person seems to be able to control me. I don’t know how he does it. He sends me on missions, that I can’t tell you about and I become single minded, focussed only on the objective of that mission. If I see you when I am in the middle of it, my body and my heart knows that it wants to be with you, but my head doesn’t understand why and it’s my head that rules everything.
I don’t know why I am telling you this, but, I actually have more control over my Beast now. I can turn him on and off at will. But I can’t control him when I am pushed or questioned about what I do. I have been able to warn you before and tell you to stop asking questions. When you stop asking questions, I gain control again. If you keep pushing, he rises again and I have no control over him. The only time I don’t seem to have control is when I am questioned. It’s like I am programmed to react to certain phrases or questions. I can’t control the Beast when I am questioned about what I do and who I work for after a point. I just don’t know what that point is. Maybe, you can help me to understand it, maybe if you work with me, if we work together, we can find the patterns that are in front of us, if we bother to look for them.
I know you said you were trying to help me with Sebastian, but at the time, I didn’t know that. I’ve said to you now, on the fire escape, that I know you now, I can trust you now, and I know whatever actions you are taking, you’re taking them to keep me safe and to find out what has happened to me.
I did have those flash backs. I did see the first time I saved you in the woods, with your glazed eyes trying to focus on me. And the time I saved you from the train while you were working on the case regarding the woman in the hotel that I gave CPR too. Catherine, I remembered you. These feelings I get with the flash backs are so raw and real, they can’t be just my imagination. I can see that now.
Don’t you understand how much it is killing me? Knowing that I know you but not being able to remember you. Knowing there have been many nights when I have held you in my arms, cherished you, been buried deep inside you. To not remember that almost kills me! The only memories I have of you are from the other night. And they are still so fresh if I close my eyes I can relive it. The smoothness of your skin, the taste of your honey nectar, the smell of shampoo in your hair mixed with the musk of your skin. I remember from that night what it feels like be so deep inside you that I am almost touching your soul! I remember that night, but I want to remember every night, every morning, and each single moment in between that I have held you in my arms.
I want to remember the feel of your satin soft hair sliding through my fingers and feel your soft, kiss swollen lips touching mine again as if starved for the taste of me. I want to remember all the times you have shattered in orgasm at my fingers or from my thrusts in and out of you as I rush toward my own release. I want to remember all the times I have called out your name and I want to feel the spiralling sensation through my body when I am touched by the softness of your hands or when you take me in your mouth like a lollipop and suck on me until I burst. I want to feel your throat constricted around me when you drink me. I want to sink into the depths of you and never come up for air again.
This want, this need, can’t be from the one night I remember, it has to be from the many nights that have been stolen from me. I can’t believe for a minute that I would have chosen to forget you. After only having “known” you for a few weeks and having spent that one night together at least I know that much. You are not willingly forgettable. I want to remember. I want to be the only man that ever gets to hold you again. But am I a man? That man, your, man?
Catherine, I want you to understand that I am not lying to you by choice. I don’t know why I can’t tell you, I only know that I can’t. I don’t know why I am the way that I am, I only know that I am.
As much as it breaks me, I will leave your fire escape and I will give you your space as you asked, because I feel the only thing I ever want for you is your happiness. If being away from me gives you that happiness, I will learn to live with that feeling, or maybe I can ask to have it removed from my memory, not….. not because I want to forget you, never that, it would be so that I don’t have to remember that I’ve hurt you.
Catherine, as I do walk away and give you your space for tonight, I will be watching over you, I will be shadowing you and making sure there is no danger to you. I will be close if you need someone to rescue you. For some reason that I can’t explain, I think I have done this before.

25/10/2013 12:30
Un poco fuerte.. a veces.. pero preciosa...
quiero escuchar de V. algo así.....
gracias lover
quiero escuchar de V. algo así.....
gracias lover

25/10/2013 14:18
Astrako, si te pareció fuerte, ahora lee esta, vas a temblar!! Yo quisiera ser Cat!!! Pero con V!! JAJAJAJA!!!! ;))))
Una nota curiosa: esta chica es de Australia y dice que Jay lee su trabajo todas las noches antes de dormir, pues duerme calentito el tío!!! Que incluso lo dijo en la Comic Con de San Diego durante el panel, recuerdas? Cuando él dice: "every night before sleep" , it´s saucy!!" contestando a una pregunta de si él leía alguna fanfiction. Y esta chica en su tt reconoce que Jay la lee todas las noches. Su último trabajo es la carta que ya leíste, pero tiene más. Si quieren, puedo traer poco a poco su obra, es muy picante y muy original. Me encantan sus descripciones en los juegos amorosos, es genial!!!! La pobre, le escribí esta mañana un twit que me salió del alma tras haber leído la carta y me contestó diciendo que la había hecho llorar, qué linda!!!
Me pregunto si Jay querrá hacer realidad los sueños que describe esta chica en su obra....mmmmmmm están muy apetecibles!!!! Y estando cerca de KK, cómo se puede controlar leyendo esto!!! Aaaahhh!!!!!
Disfruten!!!! ;)))
As Catherine stood in the bedroom watching the rain outside, she noticed raindrops on the window and watched in fascination as they made their way down the glass. She watched the path one drop traveled, how when it collided with another raindrop its direction would change, its shape would change, with each touch of another drop its path and shape again would change. It was a continued metamorphosis with each raindrop it collected. As she watched the play of raindrops in front of her, Catherine's mind transported back to the gym she and Vincent had recently visited.
Catherine spoke to Vincent of a friend who managed a gym near her apartment who'd agreed to let her use it after hours recently. After all, being a cop she was trustworthy. When Vincent asked if she had access to the pool too or just the gym Catherine was quick to respond "No, I have access to everything."
"Do you think we could go there and take a swim one night? I mean, you know how much I love the water?" Vincent had asked questioningly with a hint of seduction in his voice.
A few nights ago, Catherine took Vincent to the gym. Their workout was tough; the swim they took afterward invigorating. As Catherine climbed the steps of the ladder to get out of the pool, Vincent watched the flex of her muscles as she pulled herself up the ladder, the sway of her hips as she climbed the steps, the way the water cascaded from her hair down her toned back, and further over her ass then down the back of her legs, how he envied the water at that very moment.
Vincent also noticed earlier on the way to the pool that the sauna room had not been turned off and he now looked at it with longing for the second time. Catherine had seen Vincent notice the room earlier and when she turned to look at him because she could feel his eyes watch her, she held out her hand in a gesture for him to follow her into the room. As Vincent got out of the pool and made his way silently over to the sauna room, he picked up his and Catherine's towels to place on the wooden bench so they could sit and enjoy the heat of the room.
The moment she opened the door, the heat of the room engulfed them both, but a hunger also pulsed through Vincent's body, made even sharper in the knowledge that there was no one to disturb them, the doors were locked, and there was no chance of being taken by surprise. Visions of Catherine's and his hot and sweat filmed bodies writhing around swam before his eyes, blood rushing to swell his shaft, until the smell of a sauna registered within. He'd forgotten how a sauna smelled. It smelled of heat and sweat yet the pine scent allowed for the sweat to smell sweet almost. As Vincent moved into the room and placed the towels on opposite benches, he had a fleeting thought that the sauna might also expunge the repentant dirtiness of Muirfield from his body. He almost desperately wanted to believe he could feel cleansed of all things Muirfield, figuratively at least, his DNA could never be changed, that, he would have to live with.
The heat of the room dried the residual water from the pool off their bodies in seconds, but both bodies soon became slick with moisture beading across their skin that the heat of the sauna created. Beads of perspiration skimmed the surface of their skin dancing their own tune as gravity pulled the beads down to fall on the towel they each sat on. Vincent looked at Catherine sitting across from him, her skin flushed from heat. Vincent's abilities allowed him to focus on one bead of perspiration, and he enjoyed the view as he watched its journey over Catherine's skin, he watched a bead of moisture as it traveled the map of her body, and Vincent could see each individual bead of perspiration heading in a different direction to a different destination. He was mesmerized but somewhat disturbed that he kept losing droplets to the material of Catherine's bikini. He wanted to watch a bead travel the whole length of her tiny frame. He wanted to see if would fall straight to the floor from the peak of her nipple or if it continued the length of her body and took time to pool into her belly button or if it would travel around it. Would the bead get caught in the hair at the apex of her sex or would she have waxed recently enabling him to watch it skim over the beautiful smooth outer folds of her sex? If she were lying down would he be able to see the bead escape into her folds or would it follow the path of her upper leg and fall over the side of her hip?
The bikini he thought, Vincent needed to get rid of the bikini. He stood up and moved over to pull Catherine up from her sitting position to stand in front of him and moved his hand to the back of her neck to untie the bow holding the straps from her bikini top, he pulled the string hurriedly until it released its hold and the top fell toward her waist. He then moved his hands around to her back until he reached the piece of string tied there and repeated the hurried pull until it released and the top fell free from her body. He hooked his fingers into the waist of her bikini bottoms and slid them from her body until she was standing in front of him, gloriously naked and smooth with just a hint of feminine hair at the apex of her outer sex. His tongue, almost of its own volition, took a moment to lick a bead of sweat that caught his attention on the satin skin of her hip.
Una nota curiosa: esta chica es de Australia y dice que Jay lee su trabajo todas las noches antes de dormir, pues duerme calentito el tío!!! Que incluso lo dijo en la Comic Con de San Diego durante el panel, recuerdas? Cuando él dice: "every night before sleep" , it´s saucy!!" contestando a una pregunta de si él leía alguna fanfiction. Y esta chica en su tt reconoce que Jay la lee todas las noches. Su último trabajo es la carta que ya leíste, pero tiene más. Si quieren, puedo traer poco a poco su obra, es muy picante y muy original. Me encantan sus descripciones en los juegos amorosos, es genial!!!! La pobre, le escribí esta mañana un twit que me salió del alma tras haber leído la carta y me contestó diciendo que la había hecho llorar, qué linda!!!
Me pregunto si Jay querrá hacer realidad los sueños que describe esta chica en su obra....mmmmmmm están muy apetecibles!!!! Y estando cerca de KK, cómo se puede controlar leyendo esto!!! Aaaahhh!!!!!
Disfruten!!!! ;)))
As Catherine stood in the bedroom watching the rain outside, she noticed raindrops on the window and watched in fascination as they made their way down the glass. She watched the path one drop traveled, how when it collided with another raindrop its direction would change, its shape would change, with each touch of another drop its path and shape again would change. It was a continued metamorphosis with each raindrop it collected. As she watched the play of raindrops in front of her, Catherine's mind transported back to the gym she and Vincent had recently visited.
Catherine spoke to Vincent of a friend who managed a gym near her apartment who'd agreed to let her use it after hours recently. After all, being a cop she was trustworthy. When Vincent asked if she had access to the pool too or just the gym Catherine was quick to respond "No, I have access to everything."
"Do you think we could go there and take a swim one night? I mean, you know how much I love the water?" Vincent had asked questioningly with a hint of seduction in his voice.
A few nights ago, Catherine took Vincent to the gym. Their workout was tough; the swim they took afterward invigorating. As Catherine climbed the steps of the ladder to get out of the pool, Vincent watched the flex of her muscles as she pulled herself up the ladder, the sway of her hips as she climbed the steps, the way the water cascaded from her hair down her toned back, and further over her ass then down the back of her legs, how he envied the water at that very moment.
Vincent also noticed earlier on the way to the pool that the sauna room had not been turned off and he now looked at it with longing for the second time. Catherine had seen Vincent notice the room earlier and when she turned to look at him because she could feel his eyes watch her, she held out her hand in a gesture for him to follow her into the room. As Vincent got out of the pool and made his way silently over to the sauna room, he picked up his and Catherine's towels to place on the wooden bench so they could sit and enjoy the heat of the room.
The moment she opened the door, the heat of the room engulfed them both, but a hunger also pulsed through Vincent's body, made even sharper in the knowledge that there was no one to disturb them, the doors were locked, and there was no chance of being taken by surprise. Visions of Catherine's and his hot and sweat filmed bodies writhing around swam before his eyes, blood rushing to swell his shaft, until the smell of a sauna registered within. He'd forgotten how a sauna smelled. It smelled of heat and sweat yet the pine scent allowed for the sweat to smell sweet almost. As Vincent moved into the room and placed the towels on opposite benches, he had a fleeting thought that the sauna might also expunge the repentant dirtiness of Muirfield from his body. He almost desperately wanted to believe he could feel cleansed of all things Muirfield, figuratively at least, his DNA could never be changed, that, he would have to live with.
The heat of the room dried the residual water from the pool off their bodies in seconds, but both bodies soon became slick with moisture beading across their skin that the heat of the sauna created. Beads of perspiration skimmed the surface of their skin dancing their own tune as gravity pulled the beads down to fall on the towel they each sat on. Vincent looked at Catherine sitting across from him, her skin flushed from heat. Vincent's abilities allowed him to focus on one bead of perspiration, and he enjoyed the view as he watched its journey over Catherine's skin, he watched a bead of moisture as it traveled the map of her body, and Vincent could see each individual bead of perspiration heading in a different direction to a different destination. He was mesmerized but somewhat disturbed that he kept losing droplets to the material of Catherine's bikini. He wanted to watch a bead travel the whole length of her tiny frame. He wanted to see if would fall straight to the floor from the peak of her nipple or if it continued the length of her body and took time to pool into her belly button or if it would travel around it. Would the bead get caught in the hair at the apex of her sex or would she have waxed recently enabling him to watch it skim over the beautiful smooth outer folds of her sex? If she were lying down would he be able to see the bead escape into her folds or would it follow the path of her upper leg and fall over the side of her hip?
The bikini he thought, Vincent needed to get rid of the bikini. He stood up and moved over to pull Catherine up from her sitting position to stand in front of him and moved his hand to the back of her neck to untie the bow holding the straps from her bikini top, he pulled the string hurriedly until it released its hold and the top fell toward her waist. He then moved his hands around to her back until he reached the piece of string tied there and repeated the hurried pull until it released and the top fell free from her body. He hooked his fingers into the waist of her bikini bottoms and slid them from her body until she was standing in front of him, gloriously naked and smooth with just a hint of feminine hair at the apex of her outer sex. His tongue, almost of its own volition, took a moment to lick a bead of sweat that caught his attention on the satin skin of her hip.

25/10/2013 14:19
Catherine smelled of pine and chlorine and her own unique scent of arousal. Vincent was almost lost, but Catherine, determined not to let Vincent have all the fun, indicated that she wanted him to stand from the kneeling position his removing her bikini bottoms had put him in. Catherine hooked her fingers into the waist of his swimmers and knelt down as Vincent stood, taking the swimmers with her where they pooled at his feet, he was standing before her proud, swollen and as hard as a rock. Catherine took the tip of Vincent's engorged shaft into her mouth, she could taste the chlorine on his silken flesh, as Vincent felt the moisture from her mouth mixed together with the beads of sweat the heat of the sauna was creating, making his entry into her mouth feel like he was driving his heavy seed laden shaft between the sleek, wet folds of her sex.
The vibrations Vincent felt Catherine emitting were strong and compelling, hot and steamy, causing a driving need within him as elemental as time as he began to thrust in and out of her pliant, wanting mouth. Taking a handful of hair he held her head to his shaft, careful not to apply any pressure, just needing something to hold. But she looked and smelled ready for him as he looked down at her to watch his shaft slide in and out of her velvet smooth mouth. He was enthralled. Her soft moans and the sounds coming from deep within her captured Vincent's imagination. He let his head fall back and closed his eyes as he felt Catherine's tongue swirl around his hardened, swollen shaft, as she sucked with her mouth and squeezed with her hands, he was lost in a sea of sensation as images flashed before his closed eyes and Vincent felt himself swell and harden further, ready for his release into Catherine's waiting mouth.
Catherine raised her eyes readying to watch his orgasm play across his face as Vincent lowered his gaze to look at her, as he did so he inhaled her scent that was calling to him as he let go, his guttural growl as he released his seed vibrated within her mouth and a flooding sensation swept through Vincent's body, weakening his knees momentarily. Vincent's eyes absorbed Catherine's beauty and imprinted her lustful image to his memory.
As his heartbeat calmed, Vincent pulled away from Catherine's mouth, her tongue lapping at the tip of his shaft was sending a sensation through his body too intense for her to continue if he wanted to breathe anytime soon.
He leaned over and hooked his hands under her arms, which allowed him to raise her and hold her until her mouth was flush with his. His lips meshed with hers, his tongue darting into the very mouth he had just released himself into and kissed her, making sure he kissed her thoroughly. He could taste himself on her tongue, which was driving him wild as his depleting shaft swelled to life again. He carried her to the bench seat and lifted her up higher so he could stand her on it.
Vincent knew that although his recent release had his knees feeling weak momentarily, he was more than strong enough to hold Catherine's weight in his arms. Checking the height of the room to make sure Catherine wouldn't hit her head, Vincent knelt slightly and lifted one of Catherine's legs over his shoulder, then took hold of her foot from behind him and brought it under his arm to rest against his chest. This movement brought Catherine's sex to his mouth. "Put your other leg over my shoulder. I am going to give you a shoulder ride you will never forget." The rasp of Vincent's voice set Catherine on fire and combined with the heat the sauna created she thought she would dissolve into a ball of flames but did as he asked. He was slippery and she nearly slid off him, but with his amplified strength, Vincent moved his arms to cradle her, his hands so large against her back as they held her safely in placing, bringing her sex to his thirsty mouth.
Vincent quickly raised his head as she looked down at his face, so close to her sex. "Lean back into my arms Catherine, I won't let you fall, trust me, trust my strength." Catherine relaxed into his hold but Vincent walked over to the wall, sensing her insecurity from having nothing to hold onto, and gave Catherine something to lean against if she needed to. Vincent lowered his gaze from her face to her sex, loving the intimacy of the moment, the angle perfect, as he brought her to his thirst depraved mouth, just as he imagined moments before when his throbbing shaft was in Catherine's mouth. He tongued every soft fold, using his nose against her bud as his tongue thrust in and out of her dripping sex. He then lapped at her folds again, gently sucking at the walls of her inner sex then at her sensitive bud, rolling it with his tongue, or sucking it into the warmth of his mouth. He invaded her very core as he drank her honey sweet essence as if it were his life force, bringing Catherine to the brink of an intense orgasm that was starting to build in the pit of her center and was radiating throughout her body.
Catherine almost threw herself back against the wall as her muscles tightened in a desperate fight to hold on to Vincent, to stop herself from slipping from his shoulders. The heat from the sauna and the heat they created together forming a light sheen of sweat over their skin causing them both to become slippery from the moisture.
With her whole body tensed from the fight to stay in position her orgasm intensified and became stronger and, from deeper within. An orgasm like she'd never had before slammed through her as she saw stars and watched fireworks spark in front of her eyes. Vincent drank every drop of moisture her deepened release created until she lost the fight to hold her body stiffly and became a trembling pool of jelly, almost falling apart in his arms.
He held her against him as aftershocks continued to vibrate through her body, Vincent shrugged Catherine's legs from his shoulders and slid her body along his to hold her elevated against him. The heat they created with each other was almost more powerful than the heat from the sauna, they were both glistening from the moisture beading on their skin.
Their bodies were sleek and cleanly sweaty, all thoughts of being cleansed of Muirfield had left his mind as he inhaled the scent around him, the pine, the chlorine, and Catherine. Vincent's muscles contracted, clenched, his teeth came together and he closed his eyes against the demands of his body. She was like hot silk and white lightening. Fire was skimming over his chest causing his body to burn and only Catherine could extinguish its flame.
The vibrations Vincent felt Catherine emitting were strong and compelling, hot and steamy, causing a driving need within him as elemental as time as he began to thrust in and out of her pliant, wanting mouth. Taking a handful of hair he held her head to his shaft, careful not to apply any pressure, just needing something to hold. But she looked and smelled ready for him as he looked down at her to watch his shaft slide in and out of her velvet smooth mouth. He was enthralled. Her soft moans and the sounds coming from deep within her captured Vincent's imagination. He let his head fall back and closed his eyes as he felt Catherine's tongue swirl around his hardened, swollen shaft, as she sucked with her mouth and squeezed with her hands, he was lost in a sea of sensation as images flashed before his closed eyes and Vincent felt himself swell and harden further, ready for his release into Catherine's waiting mouth.
Catherine raised her eyes readying to watch his orgasm play across his face as Vincent lowered his gaze to look at her, as he did so he inhaled her scent that was calling to him as he let go, his guttural growl as he released his seed vibrated within her mouth and a flooding sensation swept through Vincent's body, weakening his knees momentarily. Vincent's eyes absorbed Catherine's beauty and imprinted her lustful image to his memory.
As his heartbeat calmed, Vincent pulled away from Catherine's mouth, her tongue lapping at the tip of his shaft was sending a sensation through his body too intense for her to continue if he wanted to breathe anytime soon.
He leaned over and hooked his hands under her arms, which allowed him to raise her and hold her until her mouth was flush with his. His lips meshed with hers, his tongue darting into the very mouth he had just released himself into and kissed her, making sure he kissed her thoroughly. He could taste himself on her tongue, which was driving him wild as his depleting shaft swelled to life again. He carried her to the bench seat and lifted her up higher so he could stand her on it.
Vincent knew that although his recent release had his knees feeling weak momentarily, he was more than strong enough to hold Catherine's weight in his arms. Checking the height of the room to make sure Catherine wouldn't hit her head, Vincent knelt slightly and lifted one of Catherine's legs over his shoulder, then took hold of her foot from behind him and brought it under his arm to rest against his chest. This movement brought Catherine's sex to his mouth. "Put your other leg over my shoulder. I am going to give you a shoulder ride you will never forget." The rasp of Vincent's voice set Catherine on fire and combined with the heat the sauna created she thought she would dissolve into a ball of flames but did as he asked. He was slippery and she nearly slid off him, but with his amplified strength, Vincent moved his arms to cradle her, his hands so large against her back as they held her safely in placing, bringing her sex to his thirsty mouth.
Vincent quickly raised his head as she looked down at his face, so close to her sex. "Lean back into my arms Catherine, I won't let you fall, trust me, trust my strength." Catherine relaxed into his hold but Vincent walked over to the wall, sensing her insecurity from having nothing to hold onto, and gave Catherine something to lean against if she needed to. Vincent lowered his gaze from her face to her sex, loving the intimacy of the moment, the angle perfect, as he brought her to his thirst depraved mouth, just as he imagined moments before when his throbbing shaft was in Catherine's mouth. He tongued every soft fold, using his nose against her bud as his tongue thrust in and out of her dripping sex. He then lapped at her folds again, gently sucking at the walls of her inner sex then at her sensitive bud, rolling it with his tongue, or sucking it into the warmth of his mouth. He invaded her very core as he drank her honey sweet essence as if it were his life force, bringing Catherine to the brink of an intense orgasm that was starting to build in the pit of her center and was radiating throughout her body.
Catherine almost threw herself back against the wall as her muscles tightened in a desperate fight to hold on to Vincent, to stop herself from slipping from his shoulders. The heat from the sauna and the heat they created together forming a light sheen of sweat over their skin causing them both to become slippery from the moisture.
With her whole body tensed from the fight to stay in position her orgasm intensified and became stronger and, from deeper within. An orgasm like she'd never had before slammed through her as she saw stars and watched fireworks spark in front of her eyes. Vincent drank every drop of moisture her deepened release created until she lost the fight to hold her body stiffly and became a trembling pool of jelly, almost falling apart in his arms.
He held her against him as aftershocks continued to vibrate through her body, Vincent shrugged Catherine's legs from his shoulders and slid her body along his to hold her elevated against him. The heat they created with each other was almost more powerful than the heat from the sauna, they were both glistening from the moisture beading on their skin.
Their bodies were sleek and cleanly sweaty, all thoughts of being cleansed of Muirfield had left his mind as he inhaled the scent around him, the pine, the chlorine, and Catherine. Vincent's muscles contracted, clenched, his teeth came together and he closed his eyes against the demands of his body. She was like hot silk and white lightening. Fire was skimming over his chest causing his body to burn and only Catherine could extinguish its flame.

25/10/2013 14:19
He carried Catherine to the bench seat and laid her down, her body pliant, her breath deepening as he settled between her legs and plunged inside her. He held her close then started to move with slow deliberation, thrusting in and out of her warmth, her heat encompassing him, his movements frantic. Vincent picked her up and sat her in his lap, still inside her, still buried deep. Catherine moved herself to crouch over him then moved herself up and down his length, swallowing his engorged shaft into her core as she then rose until he almost left her, to crash down into his lap as he lifted his hips to meet her halfway. His felt so long in this position, it was if Catherine could feel the head of his shaft knocking at the entrance to her womb, begging to be as far inside her as he could. They moved around the sauna, slipping and sliding over each other, in and out of each other until they both burst into a heady sweat slickened cataclysmic orgasm and their bodies melted into each other.
The smell, the heat from the sauna, the lethargy born from the vigorous love making, mixed with the fresh scent of their sex lulled them both into a temporary trance as neither Vincent nor Catherine was aware of anything around them except the touch and feel of each other in the places they were connected skin to skin. The room cooling and the goose bumps puckering on their skin awakened them both into action, as they dressed silently. Catherine turned to Vincent and as she went to reach for the door handle to make sure he was ready to leave, she was suddenly lifted off her feet, spun around and held within his embrace for heartbeats until he set her on her feet again and he held her face, staring into her eyes.
Vincent's thumb moved to caress her cheek with one hand, as the other hand framed the curve of her neck where he felt the throbbing pulse that he could hear beating almost too hard and quickly for her tiny frame to hold and yet, as he weaved his fingers through her hair and holding her body to him with the other, she fit into his large frame as if she were molded especially for him, the missing piece of his puzzle. He held her closer until he could see nothing but Catherine's face and leaned in to claim her mouth in a soul shattering, earth moving kiss. His lips, so soft at first that she barely felt them, his tongue darting out to connect with her plush mouth to let her know that he wanted to taste her sweet lips, to possess them. Their kiss deepened, their mouths almost bruised from the force of their contact.
It was the sound of the key in the lock, the opening then closing of the front door as someone came in to the apartment that brought Catherine back to the present and out of her daydream.
She walked out of the bedroom and looked down the hallway to see Vincent standing in front of her. She ran to him, as she reached him she flung herself into his arms and crashed into him. Vincent caught her as if she were weightless and wrapped his arms around her as he buried his face in her neck. He held her as his body trembled from his fight to control the beast that the shock of being lunged at had started to awaken. But he recognized her scent, knew her by instinct, he would know her anywhere. It was Catherine he held in arms, arms that felt achingly void when she wasn't within them. He fought himself over the beast, trying to rein it in. The past months with Muirfield had changed him, made him almost more beastly and less of a man. But this was Catherine, his salvation. He was safe. She was home.
© Janeen Hayes 2013 (aka Jay Cole)
Disclaimer: I do not own Beauty and the Beast, its characters or images. They belong to the CW Network. This is a work of fan fiction.
Janeen's fanfiction is available to read at: pages/BATB-Inspired-Poetry-By-Nature-and-Fan-Ficti on/181767428647845?fref=ts (Janeen's fanfiction and poetry.)
BATBPassion(Shared FB Fanfic page for Janeen Hayes & Karin Witnish)
Twitter: /Jarneen (links to fanfic in my Twitter Favorites)
The smell, the heat from the sauna, the lethargy born from the vigorous love making, mixed with the fresh scent of their sex lulled them both into a temporary trance as neither Vincent nor Catherine was aware of anything around them except the touch and feel of each other in the places they were connected skin to skin. The room cooling and the goose bumps puckering on their skin awakened them both into action, as they dressed silently. Catherine turned to Vincent and as she went to reach for the door handle to make sure he was ready to leave, she was suddenly lifted off her feet, spun around and held within his embrace for heartbeats until he set her on her feet again and he held her face, staring into her eyes.
Vincent's thumb moved to caress her cheek with one hand, as the other hand framed the curve of her neck where he felt the throbbing pulse that he could hear beating almost too hard and quickly for her tiny frame to hold and yet, as he weaved his fingers through her hair and holding her body to him with the other, she fit into his large frame as if she were molded especially for him, the missing piece of his puzzle. He held her closer until he could see nothing but Catherine's face and leaned in to claim her mouth in a soul shattering, earth moving kiss. His lips, so soft at first that she barely felt them, his tongue darting out to connect with her plush mouth to let her know that he wanted to taste her sweet lips, to possess them. Their kiss deepened, their mouths almost bruised from the force of their contact.
It was the sound of the key in the lock, the opening then closing of the front door as someone came in to the apartment that brought Catherine back to the present and out of her daydream.
She walked out of the bedroom and looked down the hallway to see Vincent standing in front of her. She ran to him, as she reached him she flung herself into his arms and crashed into him. Vincent caught her as if she were weightless and wrapped his arms around her as he buried his face in her neck. He held her as his body trembled from his fight to control the beast that the shock of being lunged at had started to awaken. But he recognized her scent, knew her by instinct, he would know her anywhere. It was Catherine he held in arms, arms that felt achingly void when she wasn't within them. He fought himself over the beast, trying to rein it in. The past months with Muirfield had changed him, made him almost more beastly and less of a man. But this was Catherine, his salvation. He was safe. She was home.
© Janeen Hayes 2013 (aka Jay Cole)
Disclaimer: I do not own Beauty and the Beast, its characters or images. They belong to the CW Network. This is a work of fan fiction.
Janeen's fanfiction is available to read at: pages/BATB-Inspired-Poetry-By-Nature-and-Fan-Ficti on/181767428647845?fref=ts (Janeen's fanfiction and poetry.)
BATBPassion(Shared FB Fanfic page for Janeen Hayes & Karin Witnish)
Twitter: /Jarneen (links to fanfic in my Twitter Favorites)

25/10/2013 14:24
Traguen y ....."no comments" ;))) fanfiction........ ;))))

25/10/2013 14:27
Leche!!! Y no es capaz de contestar un TT a las fans diariamente al menos, y se lee todas las noches estas parrafadas...
Ummm! a que me enfado yo, con lo ZEN que soy ;-)
Por cierto, todo eso cabe en el TT??? Y ocreía que el tt era para mensajitos muy cortos
Es sólo por curiosidad yo no lo manejo nada,nada
Ummm! a que me enfado yo, con lo ZEN que soy ;-)
Por cierto, todo eso cabe en el TT??? Y ocreía que el tt era para mensajitos muy cortos
Es sólo por curiosidad yo no lo manejo nada,nada

25/10/2013 14:34
Son enlaces Galathea a su obra, como pueden ser vídeos que están en youtube, o fotos que tenemos en nuestro ordenador. Cuando tengas tiempo, lee esto por favor, lo vas a disfrutar muchísimo!! ;)))

25/10/2013 14:42
Pero ella sabe con seguridad que los lee ... no me extraña que pusiera esa cara que puso ... en los Comic Con ... que fuerte ... no te parece ... sabes cuantos años tiene esta chica ... a mi no se me ocurre hacer algo ´como esto .... todo tiene un límite ...
Y tu que la has dicho en tu carta ... si te parece bien contarlo.... Dios mío ....
Y tu que la has dicho en tu carta ... si te parece bien contarlo.... Dios mío ....

25/10/2013 14:53
Lover, en cuantito lo pase por el traductor simultáneo!!!!!!
Sin falta me lo leo todito
Gracias solete!!!
Sin falta me lo leo todito
Gracias solete!!!

25/10/2013 14:58
Pero por lo poco que entiendo, es tela marienara no?
Mira igual el pobre se lo lee toda las noches para "animarse "a sí mismo antes de estar con su mami-novia no??? ....
Uy! pero que "requetemala "estoy hoy!!!!
Mira igual el pobre se lo lee toda las noches para "animarse "a sí mismo antes de estar con su mami-novia no??? ....
Uy! pero que "requetemala "estoy hoy!!!!

25/10/2013 16:05
Dame tiempo lover... porque esto parece El Quijote.. ¡madre mia!